Monday, March 29, 2010

Taranaki Easter


No one has ever announced his own resurrection.
Jesus Christ said:” I will rise again”.

He did and it was after having triumphed over death
that he came to destroy it.

“I am the resurrection and the life”

However, this mystery of the death and resurrection of the saviour is the perpetual teaching of Jesus.

Let us make the effort, therefore, and rise from the tomb of our sin, for in this is the resurrection of our soul.

I wish you all a Sunny Easter

The mountain I painted is Mt Taranaki North Island New Zealand
John Heijnen March 2010

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

March 25

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March 25

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March 25,

March 25 is the national holiday of Greece, commemorating the revolution of 1821.
In the St. Theresa’s parish in Athens and in the whole the church on the same day
we are celebrating the feast of the Annunciation of the Lord. (LK 1:26-38)
The word of the angel (angelus) to Mary:

1.The Holy Spirit will come upon you and power of the Most High will overshadow you.
2. I am the handmaid of the Lord. Let it be done to me according to your word.
3. And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us.

We contemplate the mystery of a God being fashioned in Mary’s chaste womb.
And we try to penetrate this mystery and discover what is applicable to us.
For that we focus on the three operative sentences above, spoken on this wonderful occasion.

God Bless

John Heijnen March 25 2010

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Waiting for the geyser

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Waiting for the Geyser

With my backpacking nephew and numerous tourists I was waiting for the eruption of the Lady Knox geyser at Waiotapu, near Rotorua New Zealand. In front of us was a young family with a little girl who apparently never saw an eruption. She asked her mammy what was going to happen. “Watch the little mountain and the bit of steam coming out of it.”
At quarter past ten the guide explained the history of the geyser. Prisoners using soap washing themselves saw the eruption of a little crater. The guide put some soap in the little mountain. After three minutes the eruption took place. Meters high boiling water gushed out, covering the many spectators with steam with a roaring sound.
The littler girl covered her ears, hiding her face in her mothers arm. Some people left after a short time; many watched the eruption with awe and admiration that nature could give such a show.

All this reminded me of the resurrection of Jesus. His disciples were hiding, never seen a resurrection. They asked Mary, Jesus’ mother, what was going to happen, “Watch with the little faith you have”. One of Jesus’ friends tried to explain what Jesus had said about three days.

Indeed after thee days Mary Magdala came rushing in shouting that she saw Jesus alive. Some of the disciples covered their ears hiding behind each other. Two even left the room and walked away in the direction of Emmaus. But the rest in the end waited in awe about the resurrection of Jesus. They didn’t have to wait long. Jesus all of a sudden was in the room and said “Peace be to you all”. His friends watched in admiration that He would do this to them. He broke into heir hearts with the fullness of love. In a way it was frightening because of their lack of faith. On the other hand it was an invasion into their lives, asking Jesus to teach them how to live their lives like a dance, step for step, touching their fears with his melting song of peace.

What are we going to do on the day of Easter? What is our reaction? Walk away the next day? Sit down in meditation and admiration at the Mystery of the Resurrection?
What about the week after? Still sitting down in meditation or going out to tell that the kingdom has come? Or still walking away to our Emmaus? Will you be ready to recognize the Risen friend in the breaking of the bread? Or walking with him not seeing him in the trees around, or not hearing him in the singing of the birds. Did you not feel the need to ask the question, “Who are you?”
Was your heart not burning within?
In spite of your fears and the distraction noise of different parties He whispered, “Hey, I am already there. Let’s go fishing, people I mean”

Happy Easter
John Heijnen